This happened in California. I was stopped at a red light, when it turned green, I accelerated to cross the intersection where i was t boned by another car. Cops show up pretty quickly to the scene. They tested the sobriety of the driver who hit me because he mentioned he had wine and was on some medication. He was under the limit. The police interviewed both of us and determined that the person who hit me is 100% at fault and that’s what’s in the police report. It was also noted that the guy who hit me was looking at his spedometer as he entered the intersection and he also experienced a “lapse in time” and not sure if he lost consciousness. This was 3-4 weeks ago.
I got a call from the guys insurance asking for the police report, which I fax to them. After reviewing it they said that it doesn’t mean anything since the cops weren’t present at the time of the accident. Their insurance company was very rude during that exchange of calls and actually ended up hanging up on me. I got a letter in the mail today stating that they deny liability and that I am 100% at fault of the accident.
So what do I do? Tomorrow I’ll go to the businesses at the intersection and ask for their security footage (still hoping they have it after 3-4 weeks). Other than that this whole situation has been a nightmare and I’m not sure what to do
Edit: One thing I forgot to mention is that my insurance company told me that since I didn’t have collision insurance, I would have to deal with the other persons insurance myself
Written By: McDreads
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