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Saturday, 30 March 2019

My sister is in some weird cult - MI

No, that is not clickbait and I am seriously very worried about her and all of the other people involved.

Okay. So my sister graduated from high school last year and decided to take a gap year. She came across a Craigslist posting by a woman I'll refer to as Aileen about how she has a farm and she's looking for kids who want life experience, that she'll provide them room and board to work on her farm and how she can teach them all of these great skills. I never saw the ad, but I remember my sister telling me about it at the time. She was very excited, this opportunity was everything she had been looking for she had told me. So she began a correspondence with "Aileen". I did not live with my sister, I'm older by 5 years so I was not on the scene when all of this was going down.

So she ends up going to this place last August, I think, maybe early September. I have only spoken with her through emails since and at first she was happy, everything was good, she was making friends and all of that. I was wondering why she only emailed and she told me there's no phone service on the ranch, "Aileen" doesn't believe in phones and she takes them to the library for internet access. That right there was the first time I thought something was a bit off, but my sister was happy so I didn't push it.

Over time, the tone of her emails changed. She would talk about her friends there, the animals, all these activities she was doing, not about "Aileen" much. Then it gradually became that "Aileen" is all she would talk about. "Aileen" was telling her some seriously messed up stuff and if she didn't agree with it, everyone else would ignore her existence until she broke down crying and apologized. "Aileen" made her slaughter her favorite chicken, "Aileen" said she needed to cleanse herself and wouldn't let her eat solid food for a week. "Aileen" made her take drugs. Seriously disturbing stuff. I told her she needed to get out of there, that I'd come pick her up, but she would downplay everything, make excuses for "Aileen", say she was over reacting, that it wasn't as bad as she made it seem et cetera.

I didn't know what to do at that point. I thought something hinky was going on, but at the same time my sister was an adult and I trusted her judgment at the time. It's not like I had anything to go off of, a location, or anything and while disturbing, I didn't think anything super egregious was happening. "Aileen" seemed like an eccentric survivalist type, but ultimately harmless. Yes, I was tentatively concerned, is what I'm trying to say, but I felt like my sister was mature and intelligent enough to know when she was in over her head.

My sister emailed me yesterday and I don't feel like that is the case anymore. Something had happened and from what I was able to ascertain, one of the other girls at this place committed some kind of cardinal sin and "Aileen" instructed the other kids to beat viciously beat this girl. My sister was forced to participate in this. She seemed distraught about it, but ultimately blamed the girl because she should have known better than to have done what she did. I don't know what she did, my sister wouldn't elaborate on it.

I stayed up all night pouring over all of her emails, lookings for some clue but I couldn't figure anything out. I know my sister took a Greyhound to Lansing and Aileen picked her up from the bus station, so I think this freak show is probably in either Eaton, or Ingham but as to more specifics, I have no idea. I don't think my sister even knows. I have a hunch they're in, or around Mason because Aileen made the kids spend the night at Seven Gables, but other than that I'm coming up empty.

I know this is a jumbled fucking mess, but I really need to know what to do. How do I handle this situation?

Written By: umwowexcusemewtf

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