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Saturday, 30 March 2019

[WA State] I failed to comply with blackmail and found myself facing charges of domestic violence shortly after. Case was dismissed but now the situation won't stop growing.

So I was blackmailed by a woman I slept with in early 2018; either have a conversation with her or go to court. I ignored this and did not respond. There was nothing for her to take me to court over. Soon after I was arrested for failure to appear to a hearing and charges I never received. I was facing 2-3 years for Domestic Violence and other various charges. The case was dismissed because I, THANKFULLY!, had a voicemail that included this blackmail attempt, but was also in possession of months and months of harassing texts and voicemails from her in addition to being able to show that from just after her and I met, I was demanding she leave me alone and stop contacting me.

Here is what I need some help with:

Throughout that entire case, I did not speak about being innocent without being asked except for one instance where the situation spilled out of private and became a big ordeal with the folks in my town. Throughout the entire experience I was treated with a very sexist demeanor. No one cared what happened, police, prosecutors, the people in my town. I had a penis and so I was wrong and at fault and she was a damaged victim.

This matter continues, as just as recently as last night my girlfriend's car was attacked as she was leaving a local establishment, by my accuser's boyfriend. Additionally, my accuser is sending my girlfriend messages slandering me with untruths and trying to instigate the issue further. The whole town stands behind her and treats her like a victim. She is not a victim at all. Yet here I am getting physically attacked by people who think they are attacking a woman beater, I am shunned constantly and the people around me are constantly harassed by her. The police won't do anything, the prosecutors won't do anything. The situation is so sexist against me I even had my accuser outline and describe in full detail two RCW9A criminal violations she committed, to the court, regarding her actions against me on my private property, and those were accepted as history of harassment from me against her! A lawyer I had said that it was insulting to the court that it ever happened and was ruled that way but now that my case is dismissed, I can't afford another retainer to go after this stuff.

I wish I was making it up but this is nightmare scenario stuff, the only thing that could make it worse is if her false claim was a claim of rape rather than DV.


I have audio from the "victim" interview as well as all the messages that show I demanded her leave me alone for months on end. But most importantly, I have the audio of my accuser blackmailing me and I also have audio of her talking about how she has done this with all the men in her life. All of this audio absolutely proves my innocence non-circumstantially, all of it was acquired legally and consensually; and is already public record.

What are my legal concerns if I decide to use the public record to prove my innocence to society via social media?

What are my other options being that I am exhausted on my ability to pursue additional legal routes?

Sorry for the lack of formatting and the such, I am on mobile.

I can answer or clarify anything you need to provide me sound advice.

Written By: LegalthroawayWA

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