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Monday, 22 April 2019

Dad passed away, his siblings taking property

My dad passed away over the weekend from a heart attack. It was sudden and I'm still devastated.

I immediately went to his house to see his things and look for his will which we couldn't find. As of now no will and I am his first child so I assume I am in charge of this as his next of kin (no spouse)?

Before I got there his brother and sister were in the house and took his wallet, TV, and keys to his truck. They may have taken more but I wouldn't know. Since they have his wallet, they may have used his cards and bank account. My Dad doesn't have much money.

When I asked them about this, they said he promised the truck to his brother when he died which I never heard about. It's still not in his name I believe. They also contacted the trailer park to see about selling his trailer which he owns. Do they have the right to do this? I'm in Indiana.

Written By: hazar1

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