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Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Employer reduced bathroom time for everyone and won’t accommodate my medical issues

I work for a major bank in their call center. I’ve worked here 2 years.

It’s actually been a pretty good place up until three weeks ago.

They issue is a metric they call availability which measures how often you are actively in a call (not just at your desk, but actively speaking to a customer).

Measure was 92.5% of your time is actively with customers. It was this measure for years, up until three weeks ago, when it was changed to 100%.

We are now told that bathroom breaks must be done during our paid breaks or lunch.

I only work 6.5 hours per day, so I only get one 15 min paid break. I do not get a lunch or any unpaid time.

Additionally, it takes 2 min to log out of the computer and 2 min to log back in, so that 15 min is really 11 min.

So, I now only get 11 min to go to the bathroom/get water/eat and only once in the entire day.

I have severe irritable bowel syndrome and it’s medically/physically impossible for me to go to the bathroom that fast.

My manager said “while we’ll work with you as much as we can, everyone must meet this expectation. There are no exceptions.”

Is this really allowed?

Location is Minnesota

Written By: Noirof

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