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Tuesday, 23 April 2019

It looks like my landlord opened up a credit card in my name.

I received a letter in the mail last week from a credit card company offering to help me settle the balance on a credit card I’ve never had for about 75% of the balance, around $8000.

This is weird because it wasn’t addressed to my unit, it was addressed to the apartment building by itself. It’s a 16 unit building and the regular address, minus a unit number, is the office and the owner/landlord’s home. When I called the credit card company, they confirmed an account was opened late last year and had a balance of more than $8000. I’ve never had a card from this company ever and I told them it wasn’t me. They told me they issued a card in the mail to the address on file (my complex’s address).

The owner of the complex is the only person who works in the office. He is always there when the mail is delivered. He was charged with theft several times back in the 90s according to my county’s public records website and it looks like he was sued by a construction company a couple of years ago.

The company said they would close the account and note that I said it isn’t mine, but that I would still be responsible for the payment. How can that be? I tried posting this before but it didn’t go through.

Written By: vvbadlandlord

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