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Friday 19 April 2019

My mom works in a furniture sales job on a "draw". She doesn't take home much money, and sometimes she goes in the "hole" and takes home NO money (even if she works 60 hours that week!). Is this legal?

Sorry for the throwaway account, but I'd like to try to remain anonymous as possible.

As the title says, my mom has worked in New York for a furniture sales company for the past year. She has to sell "x" amount of money in furniture per month in order to make some sort of default salary per month (and make her "draw"). If she reaches "x" amount, she makes that default salary, and any sales on top of that she makes a small % in commission.

If she doesn't reach "x" amount in sales, she is in the "hole" and takes home nothing. Meaning there are months that she works 6 days a week, 10 hours a day, and takes home nothing - can't pay her mortgage, can't pay her utilities, and can't pay for food. In fact, if she doesn't make "x" amount for the store, she owes the store money, IN CASH!! HOW IS THIS LEGAL?! How is this store not responsible for abiding by the minimum wage laws of New York?

She is struggling and I can't take handle it anymore. Redditor lawyers, is there anything she can do legally to leverage her position in order to get a base salary at this job that is at least equivalent to her earning minimum wage for the 200-240 hours she works per month?

tl;dr - My mom works in a furniture sales job on a "draw". She doesn't take home much money, and sometimes she goes in the "hole" and takes home NO money (even if she works 60 hours that week!). Is this legal?

Written By: throaway89898989

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