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Monday 1 April 2019

Oregon. My sister was married to a woman. They split up. Before the divorce was finalized she got pregnant with her now boyfriend's baby.

Her ex and her took awhile to get divorced and in the meantime my sister met a guy, they started dating, and she got pregnant.

She recently had the baby and her boyfriend was filling out paperwork at the hospital and put down that my sister had been married when the baby had been conceived.

The hospital wouldn't let my sister put her boyfriend down on the birth certificate because Oregon law says that if the wife becomes pregnant while still married the "husband" must be disestablished as the father before the actual father can be put on the birth certificate.

She said she emailed someone in vital records about it and they sent her a link citing the law about adding or removing a father and that she has to hire an attorney to draft papers to petition the court.

But this all seems ridiculous because her ex can't be the father of her baby as she's a women. Is she getting accurate information.

Written By: Lisemarie87

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