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Friday 19 April 2019

UPDATE: My father and step mother died, leaving me (19m) and my step sister (8f). My step sisters father, won't allow me visitations... I GOT CUSTODY!!!

EDIT: per the bots request, I am required to tell you that I live in Washington (WA)

Here's my original post

So after one of the most stressful months of my life, I can happily tell you all that I got custody of my step sister.

I did as many of you suggested and got a family lawyer who was one of the most kind and helpful people I've ever met in my life. I told her the circumstances of my step mom and dad's death through tears and sobbing, and then told me she'd do everything she possibly could to help me.

After my step sisters bio dad was informed that I would be trying to get full custody, he basically folded within hours. The lawyer told me that it wouldn't have mattered anyway though. She said that because he hadn't visited her for such an extended period of time that it was considered "abandonment" in the eyes of the law, and the likelihood of him specifically getting custody was unlikely because of this.

After her bio dad said he didn't want my step sister, I then spent weeks and weeks filing out the right papers and seeing the right people. I've never signed so many things in my entire life. Because my step sister had no biological family other than her shit-head dad, I was given custody on a silver platter, according to my lawyer.

Her bio dad didn't ask for visitation rights, and it appears he didn't even care in the first place, he just wanted my step sister for no reason other than to further upset me.

Yesterday, I signed the last piece of paper that confirmed that I had 100% custody of my step sister. After I signed, we both cried and cried for hours. We're both working on processing the death of her mom and my dad. As I write this, she's asleep next to me with her head on my shoulder.

The past two months have hands down been the worst of my entire life. I consider meeting my step sister the best that's ever happened to me, and adopting her is the single best decision I've ever made. These events have made me realise that family isn't just DNA based, it's actionable investments in the life of someone you love.

Thank you so, so, so much for all of the people who helped me in my first thread. I owe all of you for the rest of your lives. Once I turn 21, if any of ya'll are in the Aberdeen area, drinks are on me.

I hope you all lead wonderful lives. Give your loved ones a big hug for me.

Written By: throwmeinalake123

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