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Saturday, 30 March 2019

TX - Bio mother moved children [13F, 7F] outside of the geographic restriction set forth in original custody decree

I am in the middle of a parent-child modification to become the primary conservator because of situations like this. The bio mother has been living in the study of a home with 2 teenage boys for a year and a half now. Since bringing the modification forward, we found out she is moving the children to a new apartment in a few days. This apartment is outside of the geographic restriction set forth in the original order. Because of this, they will no longer be eligible for their highly sought after schools, and they have several attendance and grade infractions caused by her, so there is no room for negotiation with the schools. We know she is violating the original custody order and the current county standing order. Is our only course of action a motion of enforcement? Does this bode well for our side of the case? Is there any sort of injunction to block her from moving the children there?

Written By: auslaug

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