I have a 6 year old daughter that I have joint custody of with her mom. Her mother and I don’t get along at all. They live about an hour from me but I have her every other weekend. My wife and I have a 5 mo. old infant that we are vaccinating but she won’t get all of her vaccines until she turns 1. I have a brother that is 6 mo. younger than my 6 year old daughter and my parents decided not to vaccinate him. This is where the drama comes in. My wife and I sat down with my mother before my infant was born and explained that my immediate family won’t be able to see her because she won’t be fully vaccinated. My mom blew up and didn’t take it well at all and told me I was bullying her into vaccinating. I told her she could make whatever decision she wants but I don’t want my unvaccinated brother around any of my kids because I don’t want anything affecting my infant. She’s texted me and begged to see my 6 year old daughter to which I always say no unless my brother is vaccinated. I just picked my daughter up this weekend and found out that my mom contacted my daughters mother and picked my daughter up with my youngest brother and spent all day with them. Now I’m dumbfounded because she intentionally went behind my back and doesn’t care about what she could have done. I need to know some options. I’m thinking I could file a restraining order against my parents for my kids but is that going to be a sticky situation seeing that her mom and I aren’t together? Is there more I can do? Can I sue? Nothing is really too far for me at this point because she put my kids in danger that could have potentially affected my newborn enough that she could die. I know that may be extreme but I take vaccines seriously.
Written By: The37thElement
Source: http://bit.ly/2IzsZJL
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