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Monday, 22 April 2019

[WASHINGTON] An ER doctor did something messed up that may be considered assault.

During an ER visit in 2017, a very nice ER doc performed a digital exam (I had a bowel obstruction and he was making sure bleeding wasn't a problem.) One nurse faced me and he was on the other side.

Here's the thing: he definitely inserted his finger into my vagina, and kept it there, and I had to say 'wrong hole!' and he just calmly took it out. I found it weird that the nurse, who I assume was there for the purpose of accountability, didn't find this wrong-hole thing weird.

He was nice. He wasn't rude. The texture inside of a rectum and one inside of a vagina is very different, though. Is this a common exhaustion mistake among ER doctors? This only came up because I was in the ER again on Friday, and a doctor said she wanted to do a digital exam, and I responded by sobbing and breaking down. Is this like a normal mistake or is it a clear breach of protocol?

Written By: Gottagetanediton

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