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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Help: I asked my sister to use my ID and now she's being charged with identity theft

Location: Lake County, Illinois

Sorry in advance if this post is long.

Last Friday I had to rush my dog to the vet for an emergency. In the midst of all that, I had forgotten about getting rent money until I received a text reminder from my property management company letting me know a $75 late fee would be incurred for rent paid after the 5th. So I called my sister to stop by my apartment and grab my purse (in my rush I had forgotten that as well). I asked if she could go to my bank and withdraw my rent for me, as my bank would be closed by the time I finished at the vet. She said sure no problem. When she got there, the amount she needed to withdraw was too much for the ATM. She called me asking what to do, and I told her to just go inside and use my ID to withdraw the funds. I'm 22, she's 21. People mistake us for twins all the time. She was able to do that and withdraw funds for my rent and I was able to get everything paid on time. I thought that was the end of things.

Today my sister called me from the police station to let me know she was getting booked for identity theft. I rushed to the station to explain what had happened, but the sergeant said what my sister did was illegal no matter the circumstances and that it was a felony offense. He also said that me letting someone else use my ID is also a crime and I could be facing charges as well.

I'm so scared and I feel so bad for my sister. All this is my fault. She has her bail hearing tomorrow and I am prepared to pay her bond whatever it is. This was all my idea, and as my little sister she just did what she was told.

I know people are probably reading this and thinking how stupid we are, but honestly we didn't think we were doing anything wrong. She didn't steal my identity or take anything from my account other than what I had asked her to.

How much trouble are my sister and I in? Is there anything else I can do to help my sister? How should I prepare myself in case the police decides to press charges against me? My sister has no criminal record, but I am currently on probation for a first offense DUI. If I get arrested I will be in violation of my probation.

Written By: throwaway04082019

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