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Tuesday, 9 April 2019

20 year old trapped at home, need help. r/Advice told me to ask here for help too. I live in Virginia

I have recently turned 20 and I live in Virginia. I have been homeschooled my entire life, I need urgent help and I don’t know who to turn to. This may be long, I apologise, and may contain topics that some find sensitive. I am the son of an active duty soldier. I have moved across many states and even to Europe- the entire time being homeschooled. I have never had a real friend since my parents forbid me, for no particular reason, from going outside by myself. Even now, aged 20, I’m only allowed to walk in front of the house. The only friends I’ve ever had are ones I’ve made online that I must keep secret in case my parents find out and block all access to the outside world. Since age 14 being trapped and alone for so long has made me suffer from what I can only presume is depression, since my mother avoids and thus prevents me to get medical help due to her absurd mistrust of doctors. It has gotten worse over time and I feel hopeless constantly until my close friends online manage to distract me from the pain. It got so bad that I felt suicidal- even going so far as planning to use my father’s gun despite being so scared to end my life in 2015- until I made friends online who helped me get through the horrible loneliness. Without these friends I don’t know if I would’ve been able to make it this far. This makes it even harder to try and push boundaries since my mother will threaten to take my ipod away (she doesn’t allow me to have my own phone), which I avoid because I don’t know if I can manage alone without my friends. She often threatens to take everything away and shut me in my room with nothing if I try press for more freedom to live life like normal twenty year olds do. I’m worried not just for myself but for my siblings as well. My sister is about to turn 18 and I’m scared both she and my brother are going to have to go through all this too. My father doesn’t care about what happens at home and spends his time at work or watching TV. I need help because I’m now 20 years old and it looks like my mother is determined to keep me from leaving the house still. Any talks of college have died and my mother is using ‘waiting until we move to New York’ as her latest excuse- which wouldn’t even happen until late 2020. She treats me like a child and I still can’t venture outside on my own, not even to go to the nearby library or the grocery store without heavy consequences. At this rate I feel like I’ll be trapped with my controlling parents for the rest of my life and I’m worried I will never have my own life away from here. Please help me or provide information of an organisation that could help me.

Written By: TheodoreSanders

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