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Friday 19 April 2019

Legal Guardianship Bullsh*t

So I'm only gonna make this as short and sweet but detailed as possible.

I'm a 21 year old male, with autism and ADHD and psychosis, my conditions are VERY well managed with my medications, and in no way impact my ability to take care of myself. Last year my mother found out that I was planning on leaving. She's physically disabled (lots and lots of heart and lung and back problems that prevent her from doing much exercise) she lives off of disability, and since I'm technically mentally disabled we get SSI/disability for me as well, our total combined incomes comes out to around $1200 a month, JUST barely enough to get by. If I were to leave, that would be cut in half.

Now that you know that info, onto the bullsh*t

Last year as I mentioned I was planning on moving out to go live with my boyfriend, my mother, being the bigoted narcissist she is, caught wind of it, and knowing VERY well how to play the legal system, and knowing that me leaving would reduce HER income by half, she pulled a few strings and got a court date setup, and never told me. She brought me to the court, where I assumed I was only there to clear up something VERY unrelated and not very important at all. I was wrong, and it was a court hearing where she would testify against me to gain legal guardianship over me on the terms that I am unable to take care of myself. So we get there, she starts EXAGGERATING everything that has been a minor problem with me throughout my teenage years, and I mean EXAGGERATING to the point it was almost a lie. And I, being kinda uneducated in the legal stuffs, didn't really know that I could say that she was exaggerating everything, and also kinda didn't wanna fight against my mother, as I DO NOT like confrontation, or fighting with my mother (she and I have a lot of verbal fights over things, mostly my sexuality as she HATES that I'm gay), and she kinda pressured me into it, so I agreed to make her my legal guardian. She now has FULL control over my money, and medical and stuff. And will NOT let me move out.

I really don't like living with her because she never gives me privacy, she always nags me and harasses me about my sexuality, always goes through my stuff, and is generally a toxic b*tch to me half the time, but then the other half she's super sweet and nice. It generally confuses me, gives me conflicted feelings, and I REALLY just hate her guts and want her OUT of my life so I can move on and live MY life the way I want to.

My question for you people is- If I were to just pack my shit (all the things I legitimately own, like my computer, my clothes, my non-driver's ID and Social Security Card), and go live with my twin sister, would she be able to do anything to stop me? And how would I go about getting control over my money and dissolving this legal guardianship? I REALLY don't know much about legal stuff, and have tried my best to find a lawyer (this is in New Hampshire, USA), and REALLY don't wanna get into a long, lengthy court battle, nor do I really wanna fuck my mother over by taking away half her income and possibly causing her to be homeless. What can I do? Where can I find a lawyer, and can she LEGALLY do anything if I just up and leave?

I posted this before on another account on here but nothing really came of it and I didn't get very far. Thanks in advance for all the help!

Written By: BrentarTiger

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