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Wednesday, 24 April 2019

[TX] I got bit pretty badly by my cat, but my mom (who has primary custody) refuses to take me to a doctor of any kind.

I can understand that doctors are expensive, but this is ridiculous. I was bitten by this cat yesterday, and today the bite is slightly swollen and is still leaking blood. Literally anyone who sees it would say I need a doctor, but my mom refuses to take me to one.

I’ve looked it up online, and 9/10 sources say that cat bites need antibiotics and I’m kinda worried about getting an infection. This is also not our cat, we have had it for only 2 or 3 months and do not have it’s vaccination records.

Also while on that note, my mother is something of an anti vaxxer. In my childhood she would flip out every time my dad got me a vaccination and I know for a fact that it’s been quite a few years since I’ve gotten a shot of any kind. She’s pretty stereotypical and owns essential oils and healing crystals. She has tried to put epsom salt and shit on the bite but I’ve refused.

Is there anything that I can do at all? If I do get an infection or worse, could this be labeled as neglect or something like that?

Written By: RKSlipknot

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