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Wednesday, 17 April 2019

[Update] My children and I are safe from our abuser!

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In late March the MPO hadn't been approved yet and my husband came home from underway on a Monday. Thanks was uneventful because we had a friend over. But Tuesday night he came home and was pissed about the MPO his command had informed him we were seeking and badly hurt my arm in anger while I was nursing our infant. In the morning when he was gone and it was safe to do so o called the police and they came and made a report. They didn't arrest him and said my injuries weren't sufficient for an arrest but at least I got the report. Luckily that same day my advocate at the family advocacy program called me and FINALLY got the MPO approved for 30 days. My husband immediately broke it by emailing me a threatening email saying I would regret this and he had nothing left to lose. Because of this, my advocate spoke to the Navy Marine Relief Corps Society and requested on my behalf that they fly me to my mom. I consulted with an attorney first who advised the same thing.

So on March 23 we flew to Hawaii. I stayed at a DV shelter for two weeks during which I was able to get a TRO against my husband. I asked for a continuance at the hearing to give time to serve him and my next hearing is in June. My time at the DV shelter was only for two weeks and then we were staying in a tent on my mom's patio, but were told by her landlord she would get evicted if we stayed.

A Redditor came to the rescue and lent us 500, which with what I had on my own was enough to pay first months rent on a place.

We now have SNAP, TANF, a house, a car that was donated to us by a loving woman, and have the ball rolling on getting child support.

I am in contact with his command. His MPO is up on May 1 but other than the first threatening email he hasn't contacted me, although he did send some threats to my oldest son's cell phone. I am currently looking for work but I'm doing okay.

I want to say I understand why some women don't leave. The police didn't arrest him. Can you freaking believe that. His command took far to long to get the MPO. We ended up homeless for almost a week. It's been terrifying and overwhelming. But we are safe. And now we can begin to heal and rebuild.

I could not have done this without the overwhelming support and outpouring of love I've gotten on here. Thank you everyone for the encouragement, resources, advice and friendship. My children and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are all truly angels.

Written By: CheerFairy

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