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Friday 19 April 2019

Tree trimming in MD. Neighbors claim they’re suing me. What to expect?

Our neighbors had a super overgrown tree that they do not maintain in their front yard that is entirely cascading onto my property, touching my roof, sprawling out into the road and nicking cars. I had a tree trimmer come out and start to trim whatever was in my property line (per MD law) and the neighbors came out and threw a fit. Cursing, yelling, called the police, etc. the tree trimmer had to stop and honestly wanted no part in the drama so he left.

Police officer said they were upset because the trimmer was in the tree on their property. Ok, fair enough but he needed to climb some of it to get certain areas. Officer also said they were insistent on filing a report or complaint but there was nothing to document because he wasn’t going to measure branches and it seemed like what I cut was on my property line. Everything died down a bit and was quiet for the week. However today, they were complaining about me to our neighbors (as they love to villanize me and make me out to be the bad guy cause heaven forbid my electricity lines are damaged or my roof caves in due to their negligence) and I overheard them say I’m going to be served and they’re suing me for property damages, 3x the value, etc etc.

Does anyone know what I should anticipate if I go to court for this? What’s best case scenario and worse case? What should I come prepared with - pictures, tree trimmer, neighbors? What will hold up in court, what wont? I’ve only ever been to court with my landlord over her withholding an excessive amount of my my security deposit and I lost, so not a great experience.

FWIW: I did ask them to trim the tree months prior, multiple times and they said no, they’d never do it. Our relationship prior to this was cordial, friendly, we don’t hang out or talk about anything of importance. Now the relationship is tense, they do not say hello and they tell their kids how bad of a person I am for “ruining their tree”.

Written By: mooonsocket

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