Tuesday, 30 April 2019
Cloud Computing
Monday, 29 April 2019
Saturday, 27 April 2019
Friday, 26 April 2019
Here's a list of Firefox Addons that everyone should have and use.
Here are 5 ways in which NodeJs reforms the rules of app development:
Will it affect our business process?
Thursday, 25 April 2019
1.Ruby on Rails
Check out this example.
To make things simple I am using old-school basic with line numbers - probably because I'm a retro-freak.
1. Killing Trusted Third Parties:
2. Blockchain in 2018 - past Bitcoin:
Direct TV is known as being the leader in the satellite TV industry with more than fourteen million satisfied subscribers. They also offer several options when it comes to the equipment and programming you can choose from. We all know by now that cable TV is transmitted through limited bandwidth cables, often leaving you with poor quality. On the other hand satellite TV transmits their signals using geosynchronous satellites which send signals to the individual satellite dishes. Considering these signals are all transmitted through unlimited electromagnetic waves your satellite TV provider is able to offer you a lot more options that any cable company could dream of.
Looking to start a brand new website but not sure where to begin? Well, the first thing you have to decide is the programming language you are going to use.
Wednesday, 24 April 2019
It’s hard to believe that in this day and age some people actually still use standard TV programming. It’s the type of TV programming that uses an antenna on top of the TV, or the roof of a house. If you are one of these people, you need stop the insanity immediately! It just makes no sense at all why anyone would watch that crap, when they could be watching satellite TV for so little money now days.
Times have changed and there are now a lot more satellite TV programming services than there have been in the past. It hasn’t always been that way and it has really only been in the last ten years tha...
The one big thing that you are going to have to do before you sign on with a programming service provider is decide on one of their programming packages. All programming service providers are not the ...
If you are fed up with what you have been getting on your TV set in the way of programming, you are not alone. In years past people would sit through and endure the bad programming in the hopes that...
Hi, new to reddit. Need advice on what do to please..
My wife and I haven't been getting along for awhile. I work nights and came home Saturday morning to a house with only my bed and sectional. My wife while I was at work moved out and took everything. I called her and she came over later that day and agreed to move back in if we went to marriage counseling. Went back to work that night expecting to come home and her and my son to be moved back in. Well i'm assuming with the influence of her family, they talked her out of it because she decided not to move back in and is now refusing to come to the house. Now she is pretty much refusing me to let me see my son. She doesn't respond to my text and when I call her she only wants to meet at a park after work so I can see my son for like 20 min. She refusing to let me take him for several hours, ect. I thought about picking him up from daycare but she took my key to get into the daycare. Also her mother works at the daycare and may refuse to let me take him.
My question is what is my legal right to see my son and pick him up from day care if I want to spend time with him while she is at work. And what is my legal right to all the stuff she took from my house?
Also I live in Illinois.
Written By: reddit_user900
Source: http://bit.ly/2GuSubR
Written by: ElCarpo-arg
Source: http://bit.ly/2VnGDWo
I can understand that doctors are expensive, but this is ridiculous. I was bitten by this cat yesterday, and today the bite is slightly swollen and is still leaking blood. Literally anyone who sees it would say I need a doctor, but my mom refuses to take me to one.
I’ve looked it up online, and 9/10 sources say that cat bites need antibiotics and I’m kinda worried about getting an infection. This is also not our cat, we have had it for only 2 or 3 months and do not have it’s vaccination records.
Also while on that note, my mother is something of an anti vaxxer. In my childhood she would flip out every time my dad got me a vaccination and I know for a fact that it’s been quite a few years since I’ve gotten a shot of any kind. She’s pretty stereotypical and owns essential oils and healing crystals. She has tried to put epsom salt and shit on the bite but I’ve refused.
Is there anything that I can do at all? If I do get an infection or worse, could this be labeled as neglect or something like that?
Written By: RKSlipknot
Source: http://bit.ly/2GpwSNK
I’m from HI. We moved to WA because here we can afford to buy a house while having decent paying jobs. My dream is to move back to HI and retire in my 50s (so 25-30ish years). I’m from a more rural area where land is still cheap and want to buy a lot there. I think the area will become very expensive, like most of the state, within my lifetime and want to get ahead of that.
What legal issues will I face if I own an undeveloped property I can’t/ won’t visit regularly?
Written By: kabochaandfries
Source: http://bit.ly/2GubF5l
Written by: Moose_Trackss
Source: http://bit.ly/2VZgwlE
Written by: speckz
Source: http://bit.ly/2XFZUQe
Written by: Content_Policy_New
Source: http://bit.ly/2IPBpvM
I’d like to start with some background to give the situation more context. I live in Australia in a area that is heavily populated by people who’ve migrated from South Asia to study and start family’s. I love my Street and have never had any issues with neighbours until I adopted my dog 9 months ago who’s an ex racing greyhound.
Many of my neighbours have told me they’re scared of dogs because they grew up where there’s packs of wild street dogs. Some of the first generation kids who haven’t grown up in the same situation though seem to really hate dogs, they’ll spit and yell at him while we’re walking.
My dog is very large for his breed and I completely understand how he could scare people. Because I know people around here don’t like dogs I always make sure I move my dog and step to the side of the pathway while passing people. He’s really well behaved is always on his leash of course and doesn’t go near anyone.
There’s a park a few houses down that’s dog friendly (has dog bowls on the base of the water fountains etc). It’s always crawling with kids but my dog is much more interested in sniffing the ground than them. Today while I was walking my dog in the park a girl around 5 or 6 picked up a large stick and threw it at my dog but missed, she then picked up the same stick and threw it again and hit my dog hard in the stomach. My dog jumped and cowered in fear. This isn’t the first time she and her brother have done this but never this hard and they usually miss my dog thankfully.
I ended up yelling at her and asked where he parents were. I went up to and asked the only adults in the park who the girls parent was and one said he was. I told him what happened and that it had happened previously and he and his friends called the girl over but just kind of laughed and smiled at me. I just told them it wasn’t ok and left to make sure my dog wasn’t hurt.
I’m not sure what to do honestly but I have a right to use the park alongside them, it’s the only park in the area that isn’t a half hour walk away.
Written By: Monkeys-paw
Source: http://bit.ly/2ZrBnQR
I live in Cedar Rapids IA. Last year I bought a house that had no houses to the South of me for about a block. A few months after that, someone bought all the empty lots and started to build several new duplexes. This has been fine except that they brought in fill dirt and now parts of their property line are significantly higher than mine. My house is old and the area around my house is pretty flat so I do not have the best system to remove water from close to my house. We have not had any problems with water getting into the basement on that side of the house but I am worried that the extra water funneled to my house by the neighbors will start causing problems.
Do I have have any right to make them add a trench line or something that would funnel the rain to the street instead of to me?
Written By: TypicalLurker5
Source: http://bit.ly/2IRfrZv
My wife and I were married in Texas two years ago. I'm Canadian, She's American. We had a child 11 months ago in Texas, and moved to Quebec Canada. Child is both Canadian and American. She was going through immigration paperwork for permanent residency. I signed a travel permission for a week visit for my son to go visit family in US. She just told me she filed for divorced in Texas 30 days ago and I will be served papers tomorrow. They aren't coming back. What do I do? Do I file child abducting in Quebec? Do I hire lawyers here, or in Texas, or both? My son is my life, I can't imagine living without him. I'm shattered and scared.
Written By: soontodivorced
Source: http://bit.ly/2W2fIfN
Written by: brainburger
Source: http://bit.ly/2Vjs5XV
Written by: nikodante
Source: http://bit.ly/2GDJmTn
Written by: owlights
Source: http://bit.ly/2KXWfvH
Written by: mishvcherry
Source: http://bit.ly/2PsizvW
Written by: benjalim
Source: http://bit.ly/2PzIYs9
Tuesday, 23 April 2019
Hello, this weekend I threw a backyard party where we barbecued. I cooked up several things but the main entrees were beef and chicken. one of the children at my party belongs to a vegan family, I have been told in the past that they are vegan but I didn't really think much about it because I don't know many vegans.
When serving everybody food their 13 year old son took consumed a cheeseburger. When he took it I thought to myself "I thought he was vegan" but figured he had changed his lifestyle.
There was a vegetable platter available and non-meat options as far as snacks go.
after the party his mother called me ability livid, and threatened to sue me.
Do I need to worry about anyting?
Las Vegas NV
Written By: dtorre
Source: http://bit.ly/2DyEkFP
Written by: cryptoancient_bd
Source: http://bit.ly/2GwS1FV
Written by: seo-client
Source: http://bit.ly/2XGAMcq
Theres good news and bad new and another question. Also obligatory Philadelphia to please the bots.
I got the restraining order due to a past history of physical abuse.
But he denied putting a GPS in my car. I had a mechanic look at my car and he was unable to find a tracker. I've taken my car two 3 mechanics and they all found no tracker. I firmly believe that he is tracking me somehow but I am completely unsure of how. What can I do?
Written By: SuspiciousResponse6
Source: http://bit.ly/2Pqq5HQ
The title pretty much sums it up. For two years now a coworker has made unwelcome sexual jokes/innuendos that I’ve shot down immediately. For example: he’s asked if I like being tied up during sex, told me he’s slept with coworkers from previous jobs, that he enjoys when I wear transparent shirts because he can see my bra, and told me that other female coworkers want to be fucked nonstop since they don’t see themselves as the marriage type. Over the summer when we were alone at work, he grabbed my waist and then started slapping my ass with his lunch box. I went to HR that day, told them what happened, and also sent them a Skype conversation between the two of us where he kept asking me if I wanted his “cucumber”. After a week of supposed investigation, they told me that they handled the matter, to come to them if he does anything else, and that him and I just have different senses of humor. I told a few people about this recently who are supervisors and the issue is being revisited tomorrow. I was told today by my boss that any conversation with HR is confidential. My job fires people left and right for the smallest things. I am actively looking for a new job but in the meantime, I am worried I will be fired for speaking out. Is it legal to fire me in this type of circumstance? PLEASE only serious replies.
Written By: T0sspot
Source: http://bit.ly/2XyV0V6
Written by: Fahad05
Source: http://bit.ly/2PqptSx
So for the past year, my mom has been getting into the oily business, and she knows I do not support it in any way. I am 14 years old and live in North Dakota, and my dad is looking to get full custody. Until then I am asking you guys what I could possibly do until then. Then again, thanks for the help.
Written By: blondtrav5
Source: http://bit.ly/2Dv3HYW
I started (what I believed was) Invisalign back in December. My orthodontic paperwork/contract says Invisalign. My orthodontist's website says Invisalign. Even their telephone hold music/voiceover talks about Invisalign. But when I contacted Invisalign about a problem I've been having with my trays (they're uncomfortably tight on my gums and causing recession), they couldn't locate my patient ID. Turns out I don't have one, because my orthodontist isn't actually treating me with Invisalign. He's treating me with 3M Clarity Aligners instead.
The Invisalign rep was pretty troubled by this situation. She took down my orthodontist's name and number and reported him to their investigation department. She also had me email her photos of the paperwork I received and signed that included the Invisalign logo. As for next steps, she advised me to reach out to my orthodontist and ask him how this happened. I did so this morning, and the receptionist seemed confused. She called me back an hour later, said my orthodontist was out with a family emergency, but told me another orthodontist at the practice said they sometimes use Invisalign, sometimes use 3M. This wasn't ever communicated to me when I signed my paperwork and took all the first steps for my treatment. I was under the impression that I was being treated with Invisalign until today. Their website doesn't mention 3M Clarity Aligners. It only mentions Invisalign. Furthermore, the consent form I signed clearly specifies Invisalign and nothing else.
My question is: Should I seek an attorney? If so, what kind? Do I have a case with this situation? I'm on tray 13/14, and my teeth are not yet straight. In fact, I have more problems now than I did in the beginning (my gums have receded, my bite is off). At my last appointment, my orthodontist told me I'd need a second set of refinement trays. I'm hesitant to receive any further treatment from him, though.
I'm expecting my orthodontist to call me back within the next few days. In the meantime, I appreciate any guidance/insight you all can provide!
Edit: I am located in Virginia.
Written By: m00nslut
Source: http://bit.ly/2W1heyM
Written by: robodave74
Source: http://bit.ly/2UxLnEh
Written by: hitsloaded
Source: http://bit.ly/2GC9MoG
Written by: InternationalForm3
Source: http://bit.ly/2GCRSSH
My roommate and I have been arguing about what exactly she pays for. I mistakenly agreed, when she moved in, to pay for all the utilities (gas, water, electricity) and she would only pay rent.
I was under the impression that she knew she was not paying for any utilities. She would pay $440 of the $855 rent, and I would pay $415 and cover all utilities. She told me that her rent is based on her room size (it isn't) and that her $440 payment covers her rent and half utilities. I pay $600+ a month in rent and utilities, including internet.
After this argument, I was talking to my SO and my family about how she thinks she pays for things when she doesn't. They asked what bills I paid, and I said that I paid all utilities which was gas, electricity, water, and internet. They told me to change the wifi password because internet is a luxury not a utility.
So I did. I changed it at 1 am, thinking she was going to bed soon (as I was, and we generally sleep at the same time). But, within minutes, she's knocking on my door, calling, and texting me for the new password, saying she needed wifi because she was working on a deadline. I caved in and gave it to her.
The next day, I sent her a text in the morning stating that I would be changing the password when I got home that night, and if she wanted it, she would have to pay half, which was $35. So I changed it again.
Today, I was talking to someone about the situation and they told me I could be in legal trouble. They said because she was living there for a certain number of months with these living conditions (having free WiFi) that she could expect to those conditions to continue and that I changed it without proper notice.
My question is: Am I legally in the right to change the password when I want? I pay for it, only my name is on that bill. Or, if I want it changed, do I need to give her the password and then give proper notice? What is the proper notice requirements?
I would just like to do it right. Thank you.
Written By: colunga
Source: http://bit.ly/2GvsY6h
Written by: TheBitterITGuy
Source: http://bit.ly/2UwddRu
I attend a public school in Alabama and there was a student who has committed suicide after being bullied for being gay. Him and his friends had gone to the principal of the freshman academy and reported the bullying and suicidal thoughts and she didn’t do anything. The school doesn’t care about the students mental health, as the administrators think all of the students are just making it up or something, last year i was in the freshman principals office when she got a phone call about a student who was supposedly trying to commit suicide, she hung up the phone and told me “Why are all these teenagers pretending to be depressed? why do they want to commit suicide? they have nothing to be depressed about, they aren’t even in the real world yet”. The school only cares about their reputation and absolutely hates when something bad happens and the news finds out, for example, getting in a fight will give you 3 days of suspension, and recording the fight will get you expelled. Back to the recent events, the school faculty is telling us to not talk about the suicide, and they said they do not want to do any sort of memorial for him and the school is threatening to suspend anyone who contacts news outlets about it.
is the school allowed to suspend students for contacting news outlets? Will i get in trouble for talking about what the principal said to me?
Sorry for bad formatting i’m on mobile.
Written By: 5or6_somolianpirates
Source: http://bit.ly/2W3iOAi
I have lived my home for ~10 years. When looking at my home, the left side perimeter ends with many acres of state owned forest. We have two direct neighbors, one next door to the right and one directly behind where our back yard meets. The house is located in Vermont
When i purchased the home, very thick and tall cedar trees (15-20 feed) lined the perimeter of both neighbors lots. Enough that you could be in the backyard and be nearly impossible to look into each neighbors yard. The neighbors on our right (~3 years ago) added a privacy fence on their side of the tree line. The neighbors behind us had only the trees and a small link fence dividing.
The issues with our backyard neighbors started last fall when they completely "trimmed" the trees (20-25 trees along the length of the property) from the ground to 12 feet in the air, leaving only the top 5 feet with branches. The trees went from having complete privacy to literally no branches from 0-12 feet. They did this trimming when my family was on vacation without any notice. I was under the impression when purchasing the home that we shared these trees but as it turns out, after looking into this further, they do entirely belong to the back neighbors. It was upsetting but they of course can do what they want with their property.
We decided to look into installing a privacy fence to get back some of the division between our lots (we now both look in on each other completely when using our yards). I approached the neighbors with a number of options so that we both would be happy with the design of the fence. I made it very clear i wasn't looking for any money, just wanted everyone to be happy with the design. I was told that they "wouldn't allow" for a fence to be installed as it would be a spite fence obstructing the sunlight into their yard (the reason they trimmed the trees). This would be a 6 foot wooden privacy fence. This would of course be entirely on our lot.
Could this neighbor truly cause any issues as we proceed to install this fence? I have a permit, contractor lined up and surveyed property line already for the install.
My concern is this neighbor, who is very hard to deal with in any regard, will make this into something more than it should and be costly and a pain to deal with (fines, being required to remove the fence, put in a different fence, etc).
Thank you
Written By: jbrenn802
Source: http://bit.ly/2XG3dah
Written By: Holdthosethoughts
Source: http://bit.ly/2DwediG
I recently went to Colorado to ski with a friend. My friend has a local season pass to local resorts. This was my first time skiing, and her first at this particular resort. My friend advised that with the season pass they also received buddy passes. Said friend received an extra pass (believing it was a buddy pass) in the mail which I was provided with to use when we went to the resort. When trying to get on the lift, my pass was scanned. My friend and I were escorted to an office where they confiscated both passes and the local police department was called. I was issued a citation for ski pass fraud, the citation notes "unlawful use of skiing facilities". Fines include up to $2650 and/or 364 days in jail. I cannot afford that fine and I live outside of Colorado. I've done some research online, but I can't seem to find a clear answer. From what I've read the average fine is somewhere around $400. I need advice on how I should plead, guilty, not guilty, or no contest. I have no criminal record, only traffic violations.
Written By: sfwuser85
Source: http://bit.ly/2VjUxZv
Written by: TekOg
Source: http://bit.ly/2XCOoVL
Written by: vetbonkie
Source: http://bit.ly/2GG3hRT
Written by: mkotich
Source: http://bit.ly/2UPBVRQ
Written by: ronykhanfx
Source: http://bit.ly/2IPXkD7
Is my employer legally required to pay me for my training shifts? He never stated whether I was going to be paid or not. He simply told me today that I was not going to get paid and the training was 2 weeks ago. (Subways, Canada). [SOLVED]
Tl;dr 10hr training shift at subways. Employer never stated if he would pay me or not. Told me 2 weeks later it was unpaid training. Is he legally allowed to not pay? (Canada)
Written By: brokenredwoodfences
Source: http://bit.ly/2PoX9A6
My roommate and I are living in Boston right next to the BU campus (less than a minute walk), and one of our neighbors is an old couple that made noise complaints on us. The couple called the police on us one night and that's the reason we're being evicted. We got an eviction to leave in 7 days during finals week so we can't really focus on moving out and dealing with this properly. We lived in another apartment building that was owned by the same landlord for a year and never got a noise complaint before. The loudest we ever got was us talking in Arabic with our friends in the weekends, but the eviction states that we shout, yell and bang on the walls, when in reality the old couple bangs on our walls whenever they thought were being loud. We never play loud music, we never have parties. We asked the people living right under us if we were being loud and they never complained. Going to court is not an option as we are international students with scholarships and that might affect our standing.
Written By: Ashaheedq
Source: http://bit.ly/2UzdNhl
I live in Cincinnati Ohio and about once a week my car gets an abandoned sticker on it from parking enforcement. This is unusual as I move it daily. I will admit it is not a nice looking car but it meets the standard. I really just want to prevent it from getting towed in the future. I was wondering who I could contact to prevent it from getting towed.
Written By: Jarsofclayton
Source: http://bit.ly/2vgpXl7
I have a tenant who through a long story ended up paying half rent in a small unit in an attempt to help both parties. She was told after 6 months her rent would go up. When the 6 months came and went, she stopped paying rent. She put in several BS housing complaints that have been dealt with (and then again destroyed by said tenant). Even the housing folks are losses at her and won’t come look at the unit until she’s gone.
We went through arbitration where she said she would not pay any past due or future rent. She did give a small check, I don’t know why as she wasn’t required by the court, that then bounced anyway.
Either way we were told if she wasn’t out by the 26th then we could have her removed. Two days ago, she sent a text saying that she got a job and she’s like to talk. Didn’t respond, and yesterday got another text asking to talk.
She had a full year to find work, I think she’s panicked because the months almost over. I do not want her in my house. She won’t pay rent on time or fully ever, she loses her mind when she doesn’t get her way, and she’s manipulating another tenant into going against her own husband.
Biggest question I have, can I ignore those texts and just continue with the process on the 26th? I live in the multi-unit too so there may be interactions until then.
Written By: bonfire_bug
Source: http://bit.ly/2UyRB6U
I am a 1099 contractor in Michigan doing work in the commercial telecom industry.
Recently started operations with a new contractor, this is my first time doing commercial-only work (used to be primarily residential with a small amount of commercial jobs here and there).
From all my prior experience in the field: if you have to drill or cut into a building you cannot proceed until you have the written permission of the owner of the property. Makes sense to me, standard legal CYA. Idea being if the owner didn't want that hole in their building you are liable for damages.
Current Situation:
I am a contractor (sole proprietor) working for another contractor - we'll call him John (intermediate guy who does this kind of thing, networks and got enough techs together under him so he can handle large enough workloads to make it worthwhile for larger companies to work with him) getting work from a contracting company - we'll call them ContractCo. (one of many small to mid-sized companies that do work for the major telecom providers) who get assigned work from one of the top-level telecom companies in our area (AT&T, Comcast, Charter, Time-Warner, etc...) - we'll call them BigTelco.
My Problem:
I get work assigned to me by email for individual jobs. Some of these jobs include a ROE / waiver of liability (Right Of Entry) which is basically a signed document, signed by the owner of the property, saying we have permission to go and do our jobs which includes drilling/cutting/modifying the property. This is standard from my experience.
Now, some of the jobs I get don't have this ROE, meaning I have no way of knowing if the owner of the property is OK with me drilling a 2 inch hole through their brick or things like that - or even if the property owner knows this is being done.
ContractCo sends jobs out that do not have this document and expect us to do the work. As far as I can tell, I am the only one having a problem with that as I am fairly anal about documentation and liability - I want to know that the property owner is aware and OK with what I am doing to their property.
In some situations (not all) after some back and forth they found that they did have the document and got me a copy. In other situations I have found there was no such document, the owner was unaware and specifically stated to me that they did not give permission and would not have done so.
I have been told by one of the managers at ContractCo that in that kind of event they have a damage claims process and if someone puts in a damage claim that comes down to them, if I did the work they requested I do and it turns out the owner was not OK with it they will take responsibility and it won't come down on me. I have no written document to this effect though.
My Questions:
I am assuming that since I am a 1099 contractor and not an employee of John or ContractCo that in the eyes of the law, anything I do (drill a hole, etc) is my liability and not theirs - is this correct?
What would I need from a legal perspective to do these jobs that had no ROE / waiver and know that liability for proceeding is on ContractCo and not me?
Any general advice? This job pays well and I am loathe to lose it, and I am the only one refusing work because of this issue. Worried I might lose this job because it it.
Written By: l_one
Source: http://bit.ly/2PyccaR
Hello Legal Advice! I live in a 40-story high rise in Manhattan, New York. I am leaving the building to move to a different state, and have hired movers to assist me. I live on a higher floor and when I moved in, I used the service elevator to move larger pieces of furniture into the unit (such as couch, bedframe).
The building's service elevator has been out of operation for a number of weeks, and I am concerned it will be not functional on my move date. Without the elevator, I will be unable to remove the furniture from the building, and my lease expires two days after the set move date.
My questions are these:
(1) Can the landlord penalize me from my deposit for failure to move out furniture if that failure is a result of a broken elevator they have not fixed?
(2) Is the landlord under any obligation to cover the cost of either replacement furniture or an additional set of movers?
Any help or thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
Written By: MeVersusShark
Source: http://bit.ly/2Zrgcye
I'm a US citizen and recently broke up with an emotionally and verbally abusive boyfriend back home in PA after moving to Australia. Even though I've blocked him on all social media, multiple messaging apps, phone numbers (US and AUS), and autofiltering all his emails into my archive - he continues to send harassing/threatening e-mails from multiple accounts and finding new numbers to contact me from.
Is there anything I can do to file a restraining order against him?
Written By: dayzd14ever
Source: http://bit.ly/2IXNb7J
Written by: eberkut
Source: http://bit.ly/2KWe6mP
Written by: eberkut
Source: http://bit.ly/2KVTtah
Columbus, Ohio-
I moved into a condo recently and the HOA (comprises 2 condos, mine and my neighbor) had expired, but was reestablished with the Secretary of State and is now in good standing order. I took ownership after the reestablishment, and I'm trying to find out if the Addendum signed by my neighbor regarding the maintenance agreement for the property is still legally binding? It is signed by him and we have some water damage that is only going to keep getting worst so I want him to split the maintenance costs (as is stated by the addendum to the bylaws) but he is refusing to pay. I was told if I can prove he is legally on the hook that I could probably get a lean placed against his property (or at the very least use the lean as a scare tactic to get him to pay).
Written By: vcaguy
Source: http://bit.ly/2Dsg8Vq
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